Set up the network

Create a VPC

Go To: VPC networks > VPC networks > Create VPC network. (link)

  1. Enter the following values:

    1. Name: care-vpc

    2. Maximum Transmission unit (MTU): 1460

    3. VPC network ULA internal IPv6 range: Disabled

    4. Subnet creation mode: Custom

    5. Create a new subnet using following values:

      1. Name: cluster-snet

      2. Region: asia-south1

      3. P stack type: IPv4 (single-stack)

      4. IPv4 range:

      5. Private Google Access: On

      6. Flow logs: Off

    6. Firewall rules: Leave default

    7. Dynamic routing mode: Regional

Equivalent commands:

gcloud compute networks create care-vpc --project=$PROJECT --subnet-mode=custom --mtu=1460 --bgp-routing-mode=regional
gcloud compute networks subnets create cluster-snet --project=$PROJRCT --range= --stack-type=IPV4_ONLY --network=care-vpc --region=asia-south1 --enable-private-ip-google-access

Reserve a static IP address

Go To: VPC Networks > IP Addresses > RESERVE EXTERNAL STATIC IP ADDRESS (link)

  1. Enter the following values:

    1. Name: pip-care

    2. Network Service Tier: Premium

    3. IP version: IPv4

    4. Type: Regional

    5. Region: asia-south1 (Mumbai)

    6. Attached to: None

  2. Note down the IP address

Equivalent commands:

gcloud compute addresses create pip-care --project=$PROJECT --region=asia-south1

Last updated

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