Deployment Timeline

Deploying CARE is a process which would at-least take 3 weeks to established. The steps are detailed below:

Week 01

  1. The relevant Government Orders adopting the system must be issued

  2. The district collectors and their teams must be onboarded

  3. The server (preferably at state level) must be set up

  4. The CARE Nodal team at district level needs to be set up

  5. In-depth training to the CARE Nodal team

  6. CARE Nodal team to lead training for field level staff

Week 02

  1. Data entry from hospitals commence (Capacity and inventory management)

  2. Strict enforcement by the Nodal team

  3. Amending deficiencies in training

  4. Start Patient Management module rolled out

Week 03

  1. War room Analytics team gets into action

  2. Weekly reviews for continuous optimisation

  3. Students cadres for engineering and field operations launched

Last updated